2024 Memorial Day service Monday May, 27th. Start time 10:00am at the Veteran's Memorial located near the
Summit St. Gate entrance.
FLOWER BEDS: Flower beds may extend no more than 14" from the front of the monument base.
BIG Thank you to Phillip Seyfrit and the Battlefield volunteers who brightened up the cemetery entrance with beautiful flowers.
Your efforts are very much appreciated!!
GATE CLOSING NOTICE: The back gate on Summit Street will close at 7:00pm beginning April 1st, 2025.
FLOWERS: All artificial flowers placed in the cemetery from Easter until July 4th may be left until one week after the 4th. Any artificial flowers not picked up by July 10th will be removed.
If you are a victim of theft, please report it to the Richmond Police Department. Thank you.
Inventory of Burials (hardcover) is available for purchase at the Cemetery office for $20.00. It was published by the Madison County Historical Society in 2000 and includes an inventory of all burials up to the date of publication, the history of the cemetery, maps of each section, and lists of Confederate and Union casualties from the Battle of Richmond. Reserve your copy today!
Considering Cremation ? - Check out our new options here.
REMINDER - If you own graves, don't forget to update your contact information at the Cemetery when you move!
CREMATION NICHES: The cremation garden (inside the back gate) has niches available for purchase. Please contact the office 859-623-2529 for more information on pricing and availability. There are only 216 140 units left so get yours now before they are all sold!